Friday, December 10, 2010

We're Billionaires, Now What? Introducing the Sub5zero Fantasy Collection

Posted by Selectmyseo on 7:32 PM 0 comments

Fantasy Garage

"If you won the lottery, what would you buy?" Car fanatics have no doubt heard this question, and the second you tell someone you're a journalist it seems like it's a requirment to find out what we lust after. Maybe people hope we'll say, "Your car!" thus validating their purchase of a 2002 PT Cruiser. We won't, because we don't. But dreaming is certainly a big part of who we are, because until we pick those magical 6 numbers, this is how we can get close to our very expensive dreams.

That question got the office thinking about what would we all buy. If we had all the money in the world, and a big enough garage, what would we fill it with? Some people's dream garage has a nice sports car, a comfy sedan and maybe a strong SUV for the snowy months. Not ours. Ours has rows, and rows, and rows of 4-wheeled dreams. You know those people that think Jay Leno's car collection is "reasonable"? That's us. So we're starting a new list for everyone, of the cars that are worthy to be in our stable if/when we become billionaires. We're calling it The Sub5Zero Fantasy Collection. As soon as we figure out how to turn this site into the next Facebook, it'll become a reality, but until then, here's the first 10 cars we'd buy, and why.

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